
Radiating Positive Energy: How I Improved My Life

The Art of Positive Thinking

You probably hear it all the time, put this thought out into the universe, and it’ll make it come true, put out positive energy to get it back. Some of you are probably skeptical like I first was and might even think it’s a bunch of baloney and that’s understandable. It’s not an exact science or something you can necessarily prove to someone, but to me, it’s all about putting out into the universe what you want to get back. It makes sense to me because if you’re negative and angry all the time then that’s what you’re going to radiate off to other people around you and that’s the same type of energy you’ll attract. Here are some of the tips and tricks I’ve started incorporating into my lifestyle since 2018 and I truly haven’t been more at peace.

You Attract What You Put Out
The most important lesson I’ve learned in my 21 years of life is the saying that you attract what you put out. So if you’re someone who’s constantly negative or angry then those are the types of people and circumstances in your life you’ll be attracting. Don’t dwell on the past or circumstances you can’t change; this will cause you to always live in negativity. Take some deep breaths, understand why it happened and how you can grow from it and then slowly move on from it.

Another necessary change I’ve made to my life is controlling my temper. I have my father’s anger, which let me tell you is a nasty one! I am definitely a hot head, which is not a good thing because you continuously live in a state of uneasiness and rage. Summer of 2018, right before I started my junior year of college at a new school, I decided I would control my temper instead of letting it control me. It was a long process, it still is sometimes, but take my word for it, living a calm, in control lifestyle is so much better than an angry one. I focus on taking deep breaths and not taking actions when I’m mad because everything is much more rational when you think about it with a clear head. I also don’t let things out of my control bother me, I choose to walk away and clear my head because what’s the point in getting worked up over something you can’t change?

#Drop Them 2019
You can change yourself all you want, but the people you surround yourself with have a significant impact on your life and your mood. That’s why the summer of 2018 I decided I didn’t want anyone in my life that wasn’t contributing to my growth and success. Honestly, one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself and my mind, and you need to start doing the same! There is no reason for you to deal with someone who brings you down or is filled with negativity and finds the bad in everything when there are people out there who literally radiate happiness and support.

De-stress Your Mind
You can do a bunch of things such as blogging, journaling, meditating, or doing yoga to help deal with stress and declutter your mind. Whenever I’m either worked up or feeling less positive, I love to go to the gym and de-stress. If I’m in between classes and can’t get to the gym, I pull out my favorite notebook and start jotting away. I got into journaling when I first started college, mostly as a way to create content for my Tumblr but I’ve kept up with it ever since. I don’t even write about my feelings, but instead, I draw and find ways to distract and calm myself down. Yoga and meditating are also two amazing habits to pick up, and it’s super simple because you can do them in the comfort of your home with a youtube video.

Have any other tips and tricks on how you live a positive lifestyle? Comment them below!
